Monday, March 10, 2025

Being chosen is a terrible thing, when you don't know who to trust.

My YA paranormal romance/thriller, CHALLENGING DESTINY, is coming up on a birthday. This novel and the characters have a special place in my heart. Their story was sparked by a desolate church I had once driven by. The story percolated in my thoughts for months. Writing the first draft went smoothly, and I was delighted when I found a home for it with my amazing publisher, The Wild Rose Press. 

To celebrate, I have an excerpt from the book. 


She put her hands on my waist and rose to her tiptoes. “It’s a sweet thought,” she said, her breath warm on my lips. “But my fate has already been sealed.”

Her perfume seemed to wrap around me, filling me with the urge to pull her closer even though my brain screamed for me to step back. I wondered if this was how the people I made suggestions to felt—compelled to please me—because right then I wanted to sweep Kira up in my arms and kiss her. Although something inside of me clung to the thought that I needed to stay focused on why I was there, every other fiber of my being coaxed me to just let down my guard and enjoy being in a secluded place with a pretty girl.

Kira brushed her lips against mine.

“I’m not what I seem,” she said in a husky whisper.

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About the book

Title: Challenging Destiny
Genre: YA, Paranormal, Romance, Thriller, Angels, Demons


Logan Ragsdale and his younger sister, Ariana, have been marked, chosen to be unwilling participants in a war between angels and demons.

Logan can sense something's not quite right. Like an unexpected chill on a summer's day, he can feel the unseen closing in. He's had these feelings before and, each time, someone close to him died. He's afraid this time it might just be Ariana.

Logan's fears are soon confirmed when he discovers their new friends aren't human, but rather representatives from Heaven and Hell sent to Earth to ensure he and Ariana accept their roles in an ancient prophecy. Demons want Logan to open the gates of Hell. Ariana has the power to stop them, but if she chooses to side with Heaven to spare the lives of thousands of innocent people, she'll damn her brother for eternity.

Together, they must derail the biblical event if they hope to save themselves and the future of mankind...but what price are they willing to pay to keep the other safe?

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