Wednesday, March 4, 2015

One more please: #IWSG

Hi everyone! 

Welcome to Insecure Writer's Support Group. We are a group writers who share our doubts and encouragements. I'd like to thank Alex Cavanaugh and this month's hosts. Learn more about the group here.

So, it's happened. Entwined, book three in my Embrace Series, isn't out yet and someone has asked if I'm working on book four. Actually, she said, "Please tell me you're working on book 4." I'm honored and thrilled and OMG ecstatic to know that there is interest in a fourth book, because yes! I too I'm dying to know what Madison does next. I've had glimpses of what she'll face. Not to mention her BFF has a story all her own that is begging to be told. But I haven't started either book. Here's were my insecurity comes in. I adore the characters in these books and love writing about them, but they haven't found as large of an audience as I would like them to. Now, I'm inclined to write the next book for me and the readers who have found these novels. There's a certain demon who wouldn't mind ruffling my brave protagonist's magical feathers even more than he has already. And truth be told, I want to see what Madison does about it. But I also have ideas for other books outside of this series. Do I step back into what's familiar or should I flush out a new idea? These questions have been in the back of my mind as I work on my YA Realistic Romance, which is close to done. But now that someone asked about more books, well... that is how books two and three came to be. I really need someone to push me in one direction or the other. Anyone out there feel like giving me a shove? Please do!

Speaking of ENTWINED, there's just 41 days to its release date! Cover reveal should be coming soon. I'll keep you posted!

Oh, and yesterday was my birthday, which is why I'm so chipper this week. I'm not sure if that's coming across in this post, but I am. After all, I'm another year younger. (I refuse to age in the other direction. What would be the fun in that?)

I'd love to hear what you'd do regarding the series. How's your writing coming along? Any insecurities? Is there an upcoming event your excited about?

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. It sounds like you're going to be busy in your author's cave, Cherie. Happy belated birthday.

    1. All I need to do is figure out what to work on. =)

  2. Heh, nothing like having far more stories than you could possibly write running around inside your head. At least you'll never run out of ideas.

  3. You and me are sitting in the same pod, my friend. I was working on the fourth in my series when this totally new character popped in and I started writing his book. No one *cough, like five people* know about my series. Yes, it's due to lack of advertising but I'm thinking, "do I write this new story or keep on with my old one?" The answer: do whatever is pulling you. Write both at once (if you can). But it's great someone is asking you for your fourth! Doesn't that reaffirm your talent? And happy belated birthday! (My sister's is the 6th and my dad is the 10th. A lot of pieces in my family.) Alas, it is my un-birthday, but like you, I simply get younger.

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone. I hope that isn't mean of me. I may try to write both novels, going with whichever is speaking the loudest that day. It's been a little while since I've juggled two first draft at the same time. Could be fun, or maybe interesting is a better word.

  4. You're going to have to do the shoving, I'm afraid.
    My fans wanted more of my Cassa series, but I knew it was time when I hit the third book. I might continue the story, but I'm glad I changed gears and wrote Dragon instead.

    1. Yeah, it's so hard to know what to do. I love these characters, but also want to get to know the new ones. There's just not enough time in the day for everything. I'm going to try to have a direction by the end of this month. That will give me time to finish the YA Realistic novel and work on the launch of Entwined.

  5. I've only written one sequel, and that was unplanned. I usually like stand alones, but I learned a lot from the experience. Part of the learning had to do with not being sure I could do it!

    1. I enjoy writing series. I always feel as if I'm back with old friends. =)

  6. Happy B-day. It sounds like you have some hard thinking to do. My vote, if I get one, is to follow your heart. :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  7. Best of luck with your decision on which direction to head (aside from younger)! I have to finish my first book, so I'm a long time away from wondering what'll happen next.

  8. I like the advice to go with what calls more to you right now. Like Alex, I knew when I was done with my series, and it sounds like you don't have that feeling. But if another story outside your series feels best, you can always return to your series. It is flattering when readers want more, but only you know the effort and dedication required in fulfilling their wishes!

    1. That's true. This one is open ended and I could come back to it later even if I decide not to write another book now.

  9. Happy belated birthday!

    Hmm...whenever I have to decide between two things, I make a decision in one direction---doesn't matter which, and then I see how I feel. If I'm excited, I go with that decision. If I'm sad, I switch. Not sure that helps at all...

  10. That's a tricky question. If one is more compelling to you now, I'd listen to that. There's always the list of pros and cons. Good luck!

    1. Yeah, I may have to play around with the ideas and see which one speaks to me the loudest. =)

  11. Hope you had a wonderful birthday and good luck with the juggling!
