Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Okay! I admit it! an #IWSG post

Hi everyone! 

Welcome to Insecure Writer's Support Group. We are a group writers who share our doubts and encouragements. I'd like to thank Alex Cavanaugh and this month's hosts. Learn more about the group here.

I'm deviating a little from insecurities for this post, but I have a feeling many of you will relate.

Being an author has reinforced a few things I sort of knew about myself that, well, I hadn't been willing to admit, until now.

Let’s start with the first and biggest. I hate waiting, and there is a lot of waiting that goes on in this business.

I also hate not being in control, because usually that means I'm waiting on others.

I like things done a certain way. See above for the problem with this.

When I’m excited about something, I want it done now. Tomorrow is just too late. But, since I'm not in control of when and how things get done, I’m waiting yet again.  

It’s a vicious circle that often drives me crazy. And I know the reward for patience is often worth it, but it's still hard to let go of the reins and let others drive, so to speak. Burying myself in other projects only helps for so long.

How about you? Any dark secrets about yourself that being a write has made you admit? What do you do to keep your mind off projects that are with beta readers, your agent or editors? Did you participated in NaNo... how'd you do? 


  1. Oooh, yes. Waiting is torture for me too. In some cases, I can forget I've submitted and move on to another project. But when I don't have another project, I can be bouncing off the walls for ages. I have no advice, just sympathy :-)

    1. I can be patient when I send a query. Focusing on other projects helps. It's waiting for other things to get done that drives me crazy.

  2. There is a lot of waiting.
    I'm grateful for some of it though. While a release date might seem a long ways off, I need that time to get my act together for marketing.

    1. Great idea! I need to come up with a plan for my next release.

  3. Waiting for others hit home for me. If people would just show up when they committed to a time, it would help the world work better.

  4. Ha! I'm convinced my impatience is exactly why I've been led into the publishing world -- to help me excercise those patience muscles. I'm in a giant holding pattern right now...& I'm starting to get twitchy.

  5. I hate waiting too. I think that's why I participate every year in NaNo (I don't register:). I like to see a book get written quickly and it forces me to do it in a month! How did you do?

    1. I didn't officially do NaNo, but it helped me remain focused. I finished the first draft of a project. From the total word count I may just have written 50k words, too. The novel is quite a bit longer than anticipated.

  6. Waiting is definitely the hardest part. Especially when family around the holidays ask when your book is coming out, and your book hasn't sold yet. Always fun explaining publishing to those who say "why don't you just put it on Amazon?"

    I think I have the control issues too. We'll see how that pans out ... :)

    1. Oh yes, explaining publishing to friends and family is always fun.

      Good luck to you in your writing.

  7. I used to suffer from impatience. Big time. Maybe I'm still a bit impatient. I don't tolerate commercials so I'll record my favorite shows so I can blast through the commercials. As I aged, I became aware how my impatience caused me stress and resulted in health issues. I learned Reiki and meditation. And playing with my animals, walking has been a life saver in diverting my focus from something I have no control over to something that I truly enjoy. When you're having fun, time flies. Blessings

    1. I tried meditation before. I don't sit still well. One minute felt like an hour to me. ;)

  8. I'm learning to become more patient. When you spend six years writing a book (which still isn't finished, BTW) and you see everyone else publishing book after book in that time frame, you learn patience.

    1. That's true. I'm more patient than I used to be, although I still like to be in control.

  9. I'm super impatient! And I'm a control FREAK. That's why I have loved my recent foray into self-publishing. I gladly trade the up-front expense for the opportunity to do it my way *sings Frank Sinatra*. Hope you don't have to wait too long for the next step, chica!

    1. I was wondering if any of my SP friends might see this. Yes, being in control is definitely a huge plus.

  10. I hate waiting too. I try not to think about it, but most of the time its pecking at me like a woodpecker, no mercy at all. Hang in there and I hope if you're waiting it won't be too much longer.

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  11. The waiting part is very tough, I agree. I generally move on to the next project with the thought that if they reject this one, I'll have something else to send.
