Monday, July 14, 2014

Challenging Destiny Book Blitz & Giveaway

Being Chosen is a terrible thing
when there's no one you can trust.

Welcome to the CHALLENGING DESTINY Book Blitz!!

I'd like to thank YA Bound Book Tours for putting this event together. They are truly amazing to work with! I'd also like to thank the wonderful book bloggers for participating. Your support means the world to me.

To celebrate Challenging Destiny's worldwide release, I'm giving away a $20 Gift Card, so be sure to page down and enter the giveaway.

Publisher: Wild Rose Press, Black Rose Imprint
Kindle Release: March 27, 2014
Worldwide Release: July 11, 2014

About the book:                                  
Logan Ragsdale and his younger sister, Ariana, have been marked, chosen to be unwilling participants in a war between angels and demons.

Logan can sense something's not quite right. Like an unexpected chill on a summer's day, he can feel the unseen closing in. He's had these feelings before and, each time, someone close to him died. He's afraid this time it might just be Ariana.

Logan's fears are soon confirmed when he discovers their new friends aren't human, but rather representatives from Heaven and Hell sent to Earth to ensure he and Ariana accept their roles in an ancient prophecy. Demons want Logan to open the gates of Hell. Ariana has the power to stop them, but if she chooses to side with Heaven to spare the lives of thousands of innocent people, she'll damn her brother for eternity.

Together, they must derail the biblical event if they hope to save themselves and the future of mankind...but what price are they willing to pay to keep the other safe?

Available from:
AmazonAmazon UK * Barnes & Noble * Kobo Books

$20 Amazon or Barnes & Noble Gift Card (INT)

Book reviewers can request a review copy by clicking here.

Book Blitz Organized by:


  1. Love the colors, very fiery. Enjoy the tour.

    If you are interested I'm also doing a giveaway. Drop by if you have time :-)

    Anna from Shout with Emaginette

  2. Hi Cherie!! Best of luck during the tour :-)

  3. Wow, this book sounds really fascinating! I love the concept of prophecy and good and evil. Really beautiful cover as well. Thanks you!

  4. Hope the tour's going well, Cherie!

  5. Love all your books, especially book like Challenging Destiny.
