Friday, January 10, 2014

Feature Friday: Leisha O. from ROLOPOLOBOOKBLOG

Feature Friday is a place for readers to meet and find new book bloggers. 

Today I have Leisha O. from ROLOPOLOBOOKBLOG with me. Her blog is a great place to visit to find your next book. If you’re an author, be sure to check out SpotlightSaturday and Sunday.

Please help me welcome Leisha!

Cherie: How did you get started in blogging about books?
Leisha: I was contacted by my oldest friend (Julie from AToMR Tours) about writing reviews for her blog.  After a couple of years of writing reviews and helping Julie with tour organizing, I decided to try it for myself. 

Cherie: How did you come up with the name for your blog?
Leisha: The name is very personal for me and one that my husband came up with when we were newly married.   It is a combination of my initials (LO) mixed with my husband’s (RO) and my daughter’s (PO); we started out as ROLO and added the POLO seven years later. J 

Cherie: I love it! What’s your favorite part about blogging? 
Leisha: The books!!  I can’t believe how many new and exciting authors I have been exposed to since I began this journey.

Cherie: Do you have any pet peeves that make you want to put down the book your reading?
Leisha: Oh, yes!!  I can’t take weak characters and lousy dialogue!!  I firmly believe strong and interesting characters who are funny, witty, sarcastic, and intelligent (the list goes on and on) can carry a book with a weakish plot. I also like my books to move forward through dialogue and character interaction.  As you may have already guessed, I am totally and completely a character-driven reader.   

Cherie: I’m with you on that! What type of books do you enjoy?
Leisha: Nearly anything that is well-written and character/dialogue-driven.  I am particularly partial to paranormals (vamps and witches are faves!), urban fantasy, historical fiction (British royalty and art and artists are faves!), erotica (with a real plot and not just sex!), YA/MG and, on-going series.  I just can’t give up some characters J 

Cherie: Do you mind books with similar ideas to other books? Similar concepts, backgrounds, or retellings? 
Leisha: Yes, I have a tendency to read books with similar concepts but there has to be some new twist or take to really keep me interested.  I need an author to give me a reason to keep reading their book if it is similar to another book/series I have read.

Cherie: Do you like when your favorite books are made into movies, and why?
Leisha: Only when it’s done well and/or the author is involved.  For example, Jurassic Park - such a good adaptation and, of course, the Harry Potter series. 
Epic fails??  Anne Rice’s Interview with a Vampire and Queen of the Damned– both were so terribly disappointing for me.

Cherie: Jurassic Park and Harry Potter were done right. I loved both the books and movies. On the next questions, try to answer in five words or less:

If you start a book that isn’t grabbing your attention, how far into the book will you read before you put it down? 20% - 40%

Secret crush? All of the Black Dagger Brotherhood

Do you believe in love at first sight? Absolutely!!

Have you ever experienced that head-over-heels, tingly, have-to-get-to-know-someone feeling yourself? Yep, with Mr. RoloPoloBookBlog

Are you drawn to the good guy or the bad guy? Both, for different reasons.

What’s the first thing you notice about a guy? Weirdly, tattoos and hair.

If you had all the money and time in the world, where would your dream vacation be? On my own paid-for island!

Are you a morning person or an evening person? Total night owl – mornings suck!!

Favorite author?  ppfftt –trick question!

Favorite place to read? In bed!

Favorite classic? To Kill a Mockingbird

What book are you the most excited to read? This answer changes daily J

Are there any types of books you don’t read? Poetry and Non-fiction

Do you have any hobbies? Check out – I’m arthistorychick

If you could choose to be any character from a book, who would it be and why?  Any character with immortality, a sharp tongue, wicked smart mind and, cool powers.  DUH!

Me too!!!

Thanks for being on my blog!

Connect with Leisha from ROLOPOLOBOOKBLOG


  1. Hey, Rolopolo hosted me for the Divine Temptation Tour - thanks!

    I totally agree about strong, interesting characters - I can enjoy a book without them, but I can't love it.

    I look forward to more of Leisha's reviews. Thanks for the interview, Cherie!

    1. Thanks! It was a pleasure to have Leisha on my blog.

  2. You rock, Leisha! I didn't know you got your start with Julie, but it makes sense because I love her too. Thanks for the explanation about Rolopolo.

    Happy reading and blogging!

    1. Julie is great. And I love finding out more about the bloggers I've met. Thanks, Jen, for stopping by and leaving a comment.

  3. OMG, I think Leisha and I could be sisters. Great interview.

  4. What a cute reason to name your blog what is. Curses on my blog name

    1. I thought it was a cute reason too! But I also love Book Witch. =)
