Friday, October 7, 2011

Blog love to share

It's an honor to receive the following awards from Jessica Therrien. Jessica's blog is one of my favorites too, so make sure you check it out.

The Leibster Award. I received this award once before, but it's a pleasure to receive it again.

The One to Follow Award:

The Lovely Blog Award:

I really liked Jessica’s idea of paying these awards forward to my favorite Second Campaign Challenge posts and I’m so glad I kept a list. J

I'm passing all three awards to:

Jamie McHenry at Faeries Are Real
Brooke Busse at Paper Mountain
Angela Orlowski-Peart at Angela Orlowski-Peart
Alberta Ross at Alberta's Sefuty Chronicles


  1. before I take - and thank you very much - which one is mine - and what do I have to do - answer questions - do a handstand (warn you wouldn't be a pretty sight:) -

  2. Hi Alberta. Jessica gave all three awards at once, so I'm passing all three on as well. There weren't any special instructions when I received them. I believe you can pass them on to your favorite blogs. Handstand and cartwheels optional. :-)

  3. oh I wish . . .well in cyberspace one is weightless right? so handstands and cartwheels may just be possible - thank you again 3 in a row -lovely. Will try and clear the decks tomorrow to add them and mention how you inspired an elderly lady to show her knickers:)

  4. Congratulations! I hadn't seen that follow award before. Hmm, maybe I could create a new award...

  5. Deniz, it was the first time I'd seen that award too. I'm sure there are lots of them out there.

  6. I love that footprints in the sand picture! I'm hopping over to check out Jessica's blog... :)
