Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Revising is hard

For whatever reason, I’m finding it’s taking me longer to get through this round of editorial notes than the previous one. The problem isn’t that there are more changes that need to be made. It’s that we are focusing on the little details that are so important to the story. In some cases it’s a matter of showing instead of telling, in others the information is repetitive and needs to be changed. As I revise, I have to avoid word echoes or using actions or phrases I’ve already used. I’m challenged to find different ways of expressing emotions; even I was surprised at how many times my MC’s mouth fell open. J

Writing is hard. I love it. I can’t image not writing. I find coffee, chips and Dove chocolate help, much to my waistline’s dismay. 

What do you do to help you get through the revision process?


  1. I'm doing the revision process for the first time and you're right--it is a lot of work. A lot more than writing the first draft, LOL.

  2. Fellow Campaigner here,

    First drafts are fun for me. Revisions are tough, but so gratifying. Margie Lawson's workshop on emotions really helped me to do a better job in that area, although I'm still not as strong as I'd like to be.

    Music and long walks with my dogs helps me.

  3. Chocolate. Little Debbie Swiss Rolls are great. Lots of water and green tea too plus taking short breaks when I feel a bit of frustration about a particularly tough revision moment.

  4. Hi fellow Campaigners!

    Iris, I like the sound of a workshop on emotions. I'm always looking for new ways to express this.

    I have taken a few walks myself. I've done yard work, lots of time to think of ideas while pulling weeds. I might just have to try Swiss Rolls, just because they sound yummy.

  5. Music. Music, music, and more music. Sometimes a bit of comfort food.

    btw--I gave you an award! It's over at my blog. ^_^

  6. I try to focus on the next step. Having a goal in mind helps me. I know the revisions can't last forever.

  7. I do like what the revisions are doing for the story. That has been what keeps me going, and I really like my editor. She has great insight.

    Francesca, thank you! I can't wait to do my part.

  8. Hi Cherie,

    I usually try to plug through or listen to music. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I get a firm grasp on knowing that all the pain is in service of making the story better. And then I pretty much gut through it. :) #noteasy

  10. They are hard! But you know what...I love this part of the process. I love digging in and polishing the heck out of the story. And yes, my writerly buds help me off the ledge when I am ready to hit the delete button our of frustration.

  11. Thanks for all the posts. I reached the end of my novel last night. I still have notes on scenes I want to revisit, but it's great knowing the hardest part is behind me. I do love revisions, this time it was just more difficult than in the past.

  12. I know the feeling. Definitely food and music get me through the painful edits. But once you get through them, it will all be worth it.

  13. Revising and editing is hard. It is a completely different task to the creative drafting. Discipline is the key, I think. I always make myself sit for an hour and plough through as much as I can in an hour, then take a break and do something else.

  14. Hello, fellow campaigner! I'm not in your group, but I still wanted to check out your blog and say, "HI!"

    To get through the process, I just take it one page at a time. :)

  15. Fellow campaigner, here.

    I guess I'm weird. I don't actually mind revisions. I prefer first drafts, but you just can't do that all the time.
