Friday, December 18, 2020

Going on tour

Hi! I'm glad you stopped by!

      Avery and her friends will be touring the blog-o-sphere in 2021. (Wow, feels a bit weird--and good--to be so close to a new year!) A tour is a month-long event. I'd be honored if you joined the fun. Learn more at Silver Dagger Tours.

Stay safe!


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Holidays in the Garden: 11 Romances to Read During the Holiday Season

December is the perfect time to curl up with a great romance set during the holiday season. So today, I'm sharing eleven books for you to fall in love with written by fellow Wild Rose Press authors. With heat levels ranging from sweet to spicy, there's something for everyone. Happy reading!

You'll want to check out HIS CANDY CHRISTMAS (Redford Falls Book 1) by Darlene Fredetter for a truly sweet Christmas story.
Heat Level: sweet
Blurb: Who knew returning home would contain a cool nip in the air, irresistible chocolate...and a Santa suit?
Candice Cane is not proud of the way she acted after her last encounter with Jackson Frost. Sure revenge was fun, but now Jackson is angry and looking for answers, and standing on the welcome mat in her chocolate shop. Now he's after some revenge of his own. more...

A WITCH'S HOLIDAY WEDDING by Tena Stetler is a wonderful story to read during the holidays.
Heat Level: PG13
Blurb: Elemental witch, Pepper McKay and former Navy SEAL, Lathen Quartz built Lobster Cove Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Center on enchanted McKay land. Wedding planning goes awry when the couple spends Thanksgiving with family in Colorado, a Maine snowstorm fills the center with injured wildlife, Lathen finds himself drawn into a covert military mission, and Pepper wants to cancel the wedding. more...

CHRISTMAS ONCE AGAIN by D.K.Deters is a magical story for the season. Could a good deed from 1875 lead to romance in the twenty-first century?
Heat Level: Sweet Romance
Blurb: She's dead broke. And eviction looms. On Christmas Eve antique consultant Madison Knight takes a phone call from local rancher Zach Murdock. Through a mix-up at an estate sale, Madison's company purchased his grandmother's beloved painting. He offers double the money for its return. Madison risks her job to track down the artwork, but success falls short when she's stuck in a blizzard. Stranded, she seeks help from a frontier family. Are they living off the grid, or did she somehow travel through time? more...

HOLIDAYS, INC. by Rachelle Paige Campbell is an enemies-to-lovers romance in a charming small-town.
Heat Level: Sweet
Blurb— Former child actress, Danielle “Dani” Winter, left Hollywood to transform an old cinema into a dinner theater. Can one woman’s big idea save a small-town? Holidays, Inc is a fun, exciting, fascinating holiday romance.

THE KEY TO HIS HEART: A Steampunk Christmas Fairy Tale by Barbara Burke is an imaginative, well written,re-telling of a classic fairy tale.
Heat Leve: Sweet
Blurb: Since he was a small child Andre has been treated like a monster because of his mechanical parts - scorned and reviled by children and adults alike. He's learned to hide himself away from people.
Arabella, an airship engineer in training, doesn't believe he's a monster at all. But can she convince him of that? more...

If you are looking for a short, lovely read involving a man, his child and the child’s teacher, WAITING FOR A MIRACLE by Jennifer Wilck is the book for you.
Heat Level: Sweet
Blurb: Benjamin Cohen, widowed father of six-year-old Jessie, is doing his best to hold it together through order and routine. The last thing he needs is his matchmaker mother to set him up with her next door neighbor, no matter how attractive she is. more...

Get your heart fluttering with CHRISTMAS & CANNOLIS by Peggy Jaeger. You'll laugh, you'll chuckle, you might even cry.
Heat Level: Open door sex scene (not erotica)
Blurb: With Christmas season in full swing, baker Regina San Valentino is up to her elbows in cake batter and cookie dough. Between running her own business, filling her bursting holiday order book, and managing her crazy Italian family, she's got no time to relax, no room for more custom cake orders, and no desire to find love. A failed marriage and a personal tragedy have convinced her she's better off alone. Then a handsome stranger enters her bakery begging for help. Regina can't find it in her heart to refuse him. more...

Reuniting with the man who broke her heart has never felt so right. HARMONY'S EMBRACE by Amber Daulton.
Heat Level: 3 flames
Blurb Divorced dad Birley Haynes is too busy raising his children and running his family’s music academy to start a relationship. Then Harmony Holdich, his high school sweetheart, returns home to Willow Springs, Vermont for Christmas and falls into his bed. She brings light and fun back into his life, but he can’t brush aside the threatening incidents around his workplace. more...

Can a romance faked for publicity turn into a real one? Find out in MEET ME AT THE INN by Roni Denholtz.
Heat Level: Sensual/spicy
Blurb: Actress Tarren Reilly is still smarting from being dumped by her former boyfriend--whom she stole from her cousin. Reeling from the pain she has caused, she agrees to a fake relationship for publicity reasons. more...

Does a vampire deserve a Christmas miracle? Decide for yourself in RED SNOWFLAKES by Kristal Dawn Harris.
Heat Level: 3-4 flames
Blurb: Forensic photographer, Dena Williams, has spent her life trained to see what others cannot. Vampire, Dimitri Kovac, has waited every Christmas for a miracle that does not come. In the Oregon wilderness, during a snowstorm, these two destined souls collide. Dena's only hope of survival rests in a vampire with the heart of a poet. Dimitri only has five days to win a skeptical woman's heart. As the Christmas tree lights burn brightly and the snow continues to fall, will Dena succumb to a vampire's charms? With so little time, can Dimitri win her love?

If you're looking for a feel-good book A REGENCY CHRISTMAS ANTHOLOGY by Susan Payne is the book for you.
Heat Level: 4 out of 5
Blurb: A Regency Christmas Anthology brings us charming stories of family loyalty, misplaced intentions, and finding love. The main part – finding love is the true meaning of the season whether among siblings or lovers. Three very different stories show how the magic of the season can bring hope and a new beginning to so many.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Review: Ghost in the Machine by Katie O'Sullivan

About the book:

A missing black book that can take down Beacon Hill… and the ghost who holds the answers.

Massachusetts State Trooper Jack MacDonald sees the world in black and white. Good guys versus bad guys. But life isn’t always so simple. When a road crew finds a dead junkie stuffed in a trash bag, Jack’s drawn into a world of shadows where nothing is as simple as it seems. Especially not the dark haired beauty caught up in the middle.

Maggie Nelson lives in those shadows. Her sister might be the infamous Beacon Hill Madam, but Maggie just wants to stay under the radar and finish college. After her sister’s suspicious death, Maggie finds her own life endangered because of a missing ledger filled with names and numbers. It’s the kind of information that can crush dreams and ruin lives. Or get you killed.

Can a man who doesn’t believe in ghosts keep her safe from the shadows closing in on all sides?

My thoughts:

I’ve read and enjoyed other books by Katie O’Sullivan, so when I saw she had a new book out I had to read it, and I’m glad I did. Ghost in the Machine is a paranormal thriller that kept me up late reading—which is my favorite kind of book. 

Maggie Nelson’s life is turned upside down when state trooper Jack MacDonald shows up on her doorstep to inform her of her sister’s death. But that’s not the worse news he has to deliver. Maggie’s life is in danger, and she has no idea why. I was pulled into the story from page one, trying to unravel the mystery right along with the characters. The ghost element is woven in flawlessly and adds to the mystery. Jack is oh-so-dreamy. I really enjoyed the romance between him and Maggie, and they quickly became two of my favorite characters. There were twists throughout the book that I didn’t see coming and an exciting ending. Ghost in the Machine is a rollercoaster of emotions that you don’t want to miss. 

Katie O’Sullivan has a way of writing romance that draws you in with characters you can’t help but like. Her dialogue is strong and realistic, and the scenes flow so smoothly that it’s easy to become lost in the story, turning the pages so quickly that you soon find you’ve reached the end of the book.

About the Author:

Katie O'Sullivan is an award-winning writer, whose ten novels include the best selling My Kind of Crazy, Ghosts Don't Lie, Crazy About You, and the Son of a Mermaid series for teen readers: Descent, Defiance, and Deception.

A recovering English major, she earned her degree at Colgate University and now lives on Cape Cod with her family and big dogs, drinking way too much coffee and working as an editor, magazine columnist and technical writer. Which explains all the coffee.

Visit Katie's website to learn more about the author.

Check out the book for yourself:

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Damned When I Didn't Release Day!

Happy Release Day!

It's here! Damned When I Didn't is now available, and I'm so very excited to share this book with you. I'd like to take a moment to thank my wonderful editor and the many people at The Wild Rose Press who had a hand in bringing this book to you, my talented critique partners whose insight I value, to Giselle at Xpresso Book Tours for organizing the book blitz, and to the amazing bloggers who are participating in the event. I hope you'll celebrate with me by checking out the book. And don't forget to enter the giveaway. Thanks for stopping by!

Damned When I Didn't

Death isn’t the end for eighteen-year-old Avery Williams, and her final resting place isn’t beyond the Golden Gates. No, the Queen of the Damned has plans for her and, unbeknownst to Avery, fought hard to gain possession of her soul.

As Hell’s newest succubus, Avery is expected to siphon life from the living. It only takes a long, meaningful kiss, but for a virgin like Avery, kissing guys she barely knows isn’t something she’s comfortable doing. Avery focuses on the upside of her fate—she’ll be returning home, or so she thinks. When the Queen of the Damned cuts her off from her old life, Avery is determined to find a way back to her family and friends, even if it means facing Hell’s fury if she’s caught.


     His laughter bellowed out of the small bathroom. “You’re going to have to loosen up if we’re going to be living together.” 

     “Do not!” I called back. 

     The shower started, but he’d left the door open. “Succubi are supposed to be promiscuous. Not shriek at the sight of a naked man.” 

     “Well, I’m not most succubi, and you’re not a man,” I retorted. 

     My jaw dropped when I opened the closet and found it stuffed with clothes. The things on the right were obviously Cole’s. A hint of his cologne wafted from them. The left side, however, was crammed with juniors’ jeans, skirts, tops, sweaters—everything I could possibly want and not department store knock-offs. Designer brands that I used to dream of owning. 

     I fanned through the various items, wishing I had time to try them all on. If my best friend knew the road to Hell was stocked with the best clothes, she’d purchase a first-class ticket. 

     “So I’m not a man?” Cole asked from behind me. 

     He leaned against the doorframe, wearing a towel that conveniently hung low enough to emphasize his six-pack abs and the muscles leading to…you know. He didn’t bother to dry off either. His chest glistened with water droplets. 

     “I have parts that beg to differ,” he added.

Enter the giveaway

Friday, November 6, 2020

Gobble Up Books Giveaway

Gobble, gobble . . . Do you hear that? It’s the international calling for booklovers, courtesy of the persnickety turkey. It’s time to fill up your e-reader and/or device with spectacular books (e-copy and audiobooks) and this giveaway is a great place to start. N. N. Light has gathered new releases as well as wonderful backlist in one giveaway. You can even enter to win one of mine. The list is long and personally, I’d love to win myself but alas, I can’t. So, I’ll just live vicariously through the lucky winners. 

Just look at all the amazing prizes up for grab! If there’s a particular book or prize you’d like to win, be sure to say which prize you want when you enter via Rafflecopter. Enter below and good luck!

audiobook code or e-copy for one title in Once Upon a Widow series or Chicago Christmas series by Aubrey Wynne (US only)

e-copy of When Murder Comes Home by Shana Frost

2 e-copy of Damned When I Didn’t by Cherie Colyer

10 e-copy of War Serenade by Jill Wallace

2 audiobook codes of War Serenade by Jill Wallace (US only)

e-copy of Kiss of the Silver Wolf by Sharon Buchbinder

3 e-copy Operation Second Chance by Lynda Rees (US only)

2 e-copy of Erin’s Gift (historical 1920’s) and Pushing the Limits (contemporary romance) by Nancy Fraser

e-copy of Tipping Point by Terry Tyler

e-copy of Taming Jenna by Charlene Raddon (US only)

e-copy or print copy of winner’s choice of one of C. C. Bolick’s books

e-copy of The Queen of Paradise Valley by Cat Dubie

e-copy of Fortune’s Folly by Cat Dubie

e-copy of Night of the Owl by Judith Sterling

e-copy of Publish or Perish by Kerry Blaisdell

e-copy of Six Months by Mona Sedrak

e-copy of Tied Up With Strings by Madeline McEwan

e-copy of Dickensen Academy by Christine Grabowski

5 e-copy of Fire on the Mountain by Clabe Polk

e-copy of Self’s Blossom by David Russell

e-copy of The Colony and The Last City by RM Gilmour

e-copy of Dargo by Karina McRoberts

e-copy of Palace of the Stars by Karina McRoberts

e-copy of Chelandra by Karina McRoberts

2 e-copy of Forever Feral by Laura M. Baird

2 e-copy of Poetry of Love: The Engagement Year by N. N. Light

Friday, October 30, 2020

9 Books for Fans of Witches

If you're like me, you can't get enough of witches and magic. So today I thought I'd share nine books I've either read and enjoyed or are on my to-be-read list. Let me know if you've read any of these books or if there is a book you think should be on the list. 

I read WITCH CHILD by Celia Rees years ago, and it remains one of my favorite books about witches. Blurb: The spellbinding diary of a teenage girl who escapes persecution as a witch--only to face new intolerance in a Puritan settlement.

EMBRACE by Cherie Colyer is the first book in my Embrace series. Good and evil live side-by-side fighting for their cause. If you read the book, let me know which side you chose. Blurb: Anything can happen in a town where people possess The Powers. Sixteen-year-old Madison Riley will discover these powers exist and she will need to embrace them if she hopes to save her friends. 

I really enjoyed MAGIC OR MADNESS by Justine Larbalestier. It's the first book in the series that I highly recommend. Blurb: For fifteen years, Reason Cansino has lived on the run. Together with her mother, Sarafina, she has moved from one place to another in the Australian countryside, desperate not to be found by Reason’s grandmother Esmeralda, a dangerous woman who believes in magic. But the moment Reason walks through Esmeralda’s back door and finds herself on a New York City street, she’s confronted by an unavoidable truth—magic is real.

HOW TO HANG A WITCH by Adrian Mather is on my to-read list. Blurb: It's the Salem Witch Trials meets Mean Girls in a debut novel from one of the descendants of Cotton Mather, where the trials of high school start to feel like a modern day witch hunt for a teen with all the wrong connections to Salem’s past.

THE WITCH'S DAUGHTER by Paula Brackston is book one in the series. I kept seeing this book on different social media feeds so I had to check it out. I'm only a few chapters in and so far I am enjoying it. A little about the book: Part historical romance, part modern fantasy, The Witch’s Daughter is a fresh, compelling take on the magical, yet dangerous world of Witches. 

The cover of THE WITCHES OF THE GLASS CASTLE by Gabriella Lepore caught my eye, so I had to add this one to my to-read list. Blurb: Sixteen-year-old Mia's life is turned upside down when she uncovers her family secret - that she and her brother Dino are witches.

WICKED: WITCH & CURSE by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguie is another book on my to-read list. This one has mixed reviews, but I really want to check it out for myself. If you've read it, let me know what you thought. Blurb: Holly, Amanda, and Nicole are about to be launched into a dark legacy of witches, secrets, and alliances, where ancient magics yield dangerous results. The girls will assume their roles in an intergenerational feud beyond their wildest imaginations...and in doing so, will attempt to fulfill their shared destiny. 

PARANORMALCY by Kiersten White makes the list because the story is original and it kept me engaged. This one says it's for fans of Teen Wolf, Buffy, and Supernatural, and I agree. Blurb: Evie’s always thought of herself as a normal teenager, even though she works for the International Paranormal Containment Agency, her ex-boyfriend is a faerie, she’s falling for a shape-shifter, and she’s the only person who can see through supernatural glamours. She’s also about to find out that she may be at the center of a dark faerie prophecy promising destruction to all paranormal creatures.

HEX HALL by Rachel Hawkins has been on my to-read list for a while. I really need to move this one up. Have you read it? Blurb: As a series of blood-curdling mysteries starts to converge, Sophie prepares for the biggest threat of all: an ancient secret society determined to destroy all Prodigium, especially her.

If you've read any of these books, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Happy reading!

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Blitz Sign-Up: Damned When I Didn’t

Xpresso Book Tours is organizing a release week blitz for my upcoming novel Damned When I Didn’t, and I'd love for you to join the celebration. The blitz will run from November 18th to November 24th, 2020, you can post on any day during this window. There will be excerpts available for your post, and every participant will be able to post the blitz-wide giveaway if you wish. Social media sites are welcome. ARCs are also available for blitz participants. Hop over to Xpresso Book Tours to signup!

Damned When I Didn’t
Author: Cherie Colyer
Published by: The Wild Rose Press
Publication date: November 18, 2020
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult

Death isn’t the end for eighteen-year-old Avery Williams, and her final resting place isn’t beyond the Golden Gates. No, the Queen of the Damned has plans for her and, unbeknownst to Avery, fought hard to gain possession of her soul.

As Hell’s newest succubus, Avery is expected to siphon life from the living. It only takes a long, meaningful kiss, but for a virgin like Avery, kissing guys she barely knows isn’t something she’s comfortable doing. Avery focuses on the upside of her fate—she’ll be returning home, or so she thinks. When the Queen of the Damned cuts her off from her old life, Avery is determined to find a way back to her family and friends, even if it means facing Hell’s fury if she’s caught.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Trick or Treat Book Bonanza

Trick or Treat! ‘Tis the month to celebrate all things paranormal, supernatural, suspenseful, and mystical. If you’re like me, you’ll want to accept this very special invitation to join the festivities at N. N. Light’s Book Heaven’s 2nd annual Trick or Treat Book Bonanza. 46 authors share what they’d dress up as for Halloween as well as 53 books featured plus a chance to win one of five Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift cards..

Click here to discover new books, see what the authors would dress up as, and enter the giveaway.

There's still time to grab CHALLENGING DESTINY for .99 cents. 

Get your copy today:

Friday, October 2, 2020

Treat yourself to a new book for only .99 cents

Hi, everyone! 

Autumn is my favorite time of year. I love everything about it: the crispness in the air that comes with cooler days and even cooler nights, the warm tones of the leaves and fields as they change colors, the smell of cinnamon and pumpkins, how the stars seem brighter, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. 

It's also a perfect time to curl up with a good book. Looking for something new to read? You can grab my paranormal romance/thriller featuring angels and demons for only .99 cents. But hurry, this sale won't last forever!

Being Chosen is a terrible thing when there’s no one you can trust.


Logan Ragsdale and his younger sister, Ariana, have been marked, chosen to be unwilling participants in a war between angels and demons.

Logan can sense something’s not quite right. Like an unexpected chill on a summer’s day, he can feel the unseen closing in. He’s had these feelings before and, each time, someone close to him died. He’s afraid this time it might just be Ariana.

Logan’s fears are soon confirmed when he discovers their new friends aren’t human, but rather representatives from Heaven and Hell sent to Earth to ensure he and Ariana accept their roles in an ancient prophecy. Demons want Logan to open the gates of Hell. Ariana has the power to stop them, but if she chooses to side with Heaven to spare the lives of thousands of innocent people, she’ll damn her brother for eternity.

Together, they must derail the biblical event if they hope to save themselves and the future of mankind…but what price are they willing to pay to keep the other safe?


I'd love to hear from you. Tell me in the comments what you love about this time of year. 

Thanks for stopping by! Stay safe!


Thursday, July 2, 2020


I'm thrilled to share the cover of my newest YA Paranormal Romance DAMNED WHEN I DIDN'T. What do you think? 

A huge thanks to the cover artist, Diana Carlile, to my amazing publisher, The Wild Rose Press, to Xpresso Tours for organizing the cover reveal, and to all the amazing bloggers who are participating in the event. I couldn't have gotten here without them!

About the book:


Can an eighteen-year-old virgin fulfill her succubus duties without losing her innocence?
Death isn’t the end for eighteen-year-old Avery Williams, and her final resting place isn’t beyond the Golden Gates. No, the Queen of the Damned has plans for her and, unbeknownst to Avery, fought hard to gain possession of her soul. As Hell’s newest succubus, Avery is expected to siphon life from the living. It only takes a long, meaningful kiss, but for a virgin like Avery, kissing guys she barely knows isn’t something she’s comfortable doing. Avery focuses on the upside of her fate—she’ll be returning home, or so she thinks. When the Queen of the Damned cuts her off from her old life, Avery is determined to find a way back to her family and friends, even if it means facing Hell’s fury if she’s caught.

Visit my website to sign up and become one of my Book Insiders. 
You'll get the latest updates about this title and more, plus a short freebie featuring Madison and Isaac from Embrace.

Stay tuned! More exciting news about this title is coming soon!

Thanks for stopping by!