Gobble, gobble . . . Do you hear that? It’s the international calling for booklovers, courtesy of the persnickety turkey. It’s time to fill up your e-reader and/or device with spectacular books (e-copy and audiobooks) and this giveaway is a great place to start. N. N. Light has gathered new releases as well as wonderful backlist in one giveaway. You can even enter to win one of mine. The list is long and personally, I’d love to win myself but alas, I can’t. So, I’ll just live vicariously through the lucky winners.
Just look at all the amazing prizes up for grab! If there’s a particular book or prize you’d like to win, be sure to say which prize you want when you enter via Rafflecopter. Enter below and good luck!
audiobook code or e-copy for one title in Once Upon a Widow series or Chicago Christmas series by Aubrey Wynne (US only)
e-copy of When Murder Comes Home by Shana Frost
2 e-copy of Damned When I Didn’t by Cherie Colyer
10 e-copy of War Serenade by Jill Wallace
2 audiobook codes of War Serenade by Jill Wallace (US only)
e-copy of Kiss of the Silver Wolf by Sharon Buchbinder
3 e-copy Operation Second Chance by Lynda Rees (US only)
2 e-copy of Erin’s Gift (historical 1920’s) and Pushing the Limits (contemporary romance) by Nancy Fraser
e-copy of Tipping Point by Terry Tyler
e-copy of Taming Jenna by Charlene Raddon (US only)
e-copy or print copy of winner’s choice of one of C. C. Bolick’s books
e-copy of The Queen of Paradise Valley by Cat Dubie
e-copy of Fortune’s Folly by Cat Dubie
e-copy of Night of the Owl by Judith Sterling
e-copy of Publish or Perish by Kerry Blaisdell
e-copy of Six Months by Mona Sedrak
e-copy of Tied Up With Strings by Madeline McEwan
e-copy of Dickensen Academy by Christine Grabowski
5 e-copy of Fire on the Mountain by Clabe Polk
e-copy of Self’s Blossom by David Russell
e-copy of The Colony and The Last City by RM Gilmour
e-copy of Dargo by Karina McRoberts
e-copy of Palace of the Stars by Karina McRoberts
e-copy of Chelandra by Karina McRoberts
2 e-copy of Forever Feral by Laura M. Baird
2 e-copy of Poetry of Love: The Engagement Year by N. N. Light