Monday, March 10, 2025

Being chosen is a terrible thing, when you don't know who to trust.

My YA paranormal romance/thriller, CHALLENGING DESTINY, is coming up on a birthday. This novel and the characters have a special place in my heart. Their story was sparked by a desolate church I had once driven by. The story percolated in my thoughts for months. Writing the first draft went smoothly, and I was delighted when I found a home for it with my amazing publisher, The Wild Rose Press. 

To celebrate, I have an excerpt from the book. 


She put her hands on my waist and rose to her tiptoes. “It’s a sweet thought,” she said, her breath warm on my lips. “But my fate has already been sealed.”

Her perfume seemed to wrap around me, filling me with the urge to pull her closer even though my brain screamed for me to step back. I wondered if this was how the people I made suggestions to felt—compelled to please me—because right then I wanted to sweep Kira up in my arms and kiss her. Although something inside of me clung to the thought that I needed to stay focused on why I was there, every other fiber of my being coaxed me to just let down my guard and enjoy being in a secluded place with a pretty girl.

Kira brushed her lips against mine.

“I’m not what I seem,” she said in a husky whisper.

Want more? Follow one of the links below!

About the book

Title: Challenging Destiny
Genre: YA, Paranormal, Romance, Thriller, Angels, Demons


Logan Ragsdale and his younger sister, Ariana, have been marked, chosen to be unwilling participants in a war between angels and demons.

Logan can sense something's not quite right. Like an unexpected chill on a summer's day, he can feel the unseen closing in. He's had these feelings before and, each time, someone close to him died. He's afraid this time it might just be Ariana.

Logan's fears are soon confirmed when he discovers their new friends aren't human, but rather representatives from Heaven and Hell sent to Earth to ensure he and Ariana accept their roles in an ancient prophecy. Demons want Logan to open the gates of Hell. Ariana has the power to stop them, but if she chooses to side with Heaven to spare the lives of thousands of innocent people, she'll damn her brother for eternity.

Together, they must derail the biblical event if they hope to save themselves and the future of mankind...but what price are they willing to pay to keep the other safe?

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Saturday, December 21, 2024

Season Greetings to You and Yours 🎄🎁🎉

Hello, dear readers!

As the year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to wish each of you a very happy holiday season. Whether you’re celebrating Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or simply enjoying the winter break, I hope this time is filled with joy, laughter, and cherished moments with loved ones. 

Happy Holidays and a Wonderful New Year! May your days be merry and bright. 

Warmest wishes,

Monday, December 16, 2024

Ho Ho Ho! It's another snippet! 😉

Ho Ho Ho! 🎄

One more week, are you ready for the holidays? I'm so very close, and looking forward to a little down time.

I have another snippet from my fun, cozy small-town holiday romance, Merry Little Wishing Spritz.


Today's snippet:

“He’s convincing,” one of the women who worked there whispered. “And sexy. Where’d you find him?”

It was the darn suit. The sleeves strained against muscle when he lifted gifts and the pants practically drew the eye to his thighs when he squatted to talk to the smaller children. It fit too perfectly. Maybe Peyton had spelled it to adjust to the wearer?

“He found us.”

“Well, you’re a lucky woman—”

“Oh, he and I aren’t together.”

“Really? The two of you keep sneaking glances at each other.”

If we did, it was only because we were working together. “I assure you, we’re not a couple.”

“Hum, well then.” She eyed Jack. “If I wasn’t married…” She cackled. Actually cackled! “Don’t just stand there, girl.” She nudged me. “Bring him a bottle of water.”

It was the least I could do. I grabbed a bottle and rejoined Jack.

“I thought Santa might be thirsty.”

“Ho ho ho! Thank you.” Jack grabbed my hand along with the water and twirled me around once. Heart racing and a bit off-balanced I bumped into him. His free hand settled on my waist. “You’re lucky you’re not dressed as Mrs. Clause,” he whispered.

His eyes twinkled. My breath caught. “Why’s that?”

He glanced up. I followed his gaze to the mistletoe hanging from the ceiling.

Merry Little Wishing Spritz
Author: Cherie Colyer
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genres: Paranormal Romance

Curl up with my small town, enemies to lovers romance with a dash of magic. It’s about a modern-day witch who casts a well-intended spell meant to save her apartment and her job. But magic is unpredictable, especially when her friend casts a little charm of her own that has Cassie lusting after the man she desperately wants to despise. It’s a fun, festive, and flirty read that will make you laugh and swoon.

Grab your copy!

Monday, December 9, 2024

Can a cleverly cast spell save Cassie Moore's home and job?

Welcome back! 🎄

Since my last post, I've managed to decorate the house for the holidays. I think I have all the holiday decorations up that I plan to use this year, and I'm about halfway done with my shopping. How's your holiday prep going? 

As promised, I have another snippet from my small-town holiday romance, Merry Little Wishing Spritz.

Happy reading!

Today's snippet:

Jack tucked the midnight blue candle under his arm and picked up one of the beaded bracelets.

“The magnetite stones help to ground the wearer,” I said.

“Do you believe in that sort of thing?”

I nodded. A person didn’t have to be a witch to believe gems, stones, and herbs had mystical properties. He rolled the black beads between his fingers. “Magnetite also attracts love, loyalty, and commitment, if I remember correctly.”

“You’re right,” I said, amazed he knew the property of the stone.

He held onto the bracelet and wandered to the suspense sections.

I followed. “If you buy Lakeside Books—” His gaze met mine, one eyebrow hiked. “ ‘If’?” My fingers trailed over the nicked shelves as I walked. “Now that word is out the store is for sale, you might not be the only one interested in purchasing it.”

The corners of his mouth curved into a smug smirk, implying he wasn’t worried. Would he up his offer if I countered? Jack reached for a book.

Frustrated at the whole store situation, I flick my finger, sending several paperbacks flying off the shelf with the one Jack grabbed. Books pelted his chest.

I jumped back, acting shocked by the books jumping off the shelf. I couldn’t exactly tell him I did it. “We must have packed them in too tightly.”

I pressed my lips together to hide my smile and helped pick up the fallen books.

“This is quite popular.” I held one out. “Lots of twists and surprise attacks.”

Jack glanced sideways. “Is that right?”

“So I’ve heard.” I stepped closer to show Jack a different book, tripped seemingly over nothing, and stumbled. My arms flailed. “Whoa!”

He caught me around the waist. I grabbed his arm. Squeezed. Yep, it’s solid, flittered through my thoughts at the same time a jolt of power, like static electricity, shot through me. I gasped. This type of shock happened when magic collided. My stunned gaze locked on his.

He stared back at me. His slight smile seemed to teeter on the edge of a loud guffaw. Had he felt the sting? He wouldn’t unless he was a witch too. And he didn’t act as if he had. But then magic colliding wasn’t the only reason a witch might receive a supernatural zap. Magic could be warning me not to cast for personal gain. In this case, magic meant for my amusement. I cursed inwardly. Couldn’t a witch have a little fun?

Merry Little Wishing Spritz
Author: Cherie Colyer
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genres: Paranormal Romance

Curl up with my small town, enemies to lovers romance with a dash of magic. It’s about a modern-day witch who casts a well-intended spell meant to save her apartment and her job. But magic is unpredictable, especially when her friend casts a little charm of her own that has Cassie lusting after the man she desperately wants to despise. It’s a fun, festive, and flirty read that will make you laugh and swoon.

Grab your copy!

Monday, December 2, 2024

Holiday Greetings and Sneak Peeks

Hello, wonderful readers! 🎄

Can you believe Christmas is just three weeks away? It’s sneaking up on us so fast this year—and it's absolutely freezing! The highs for the last few days have been in the low 20s. Brrr! If it doesn't warm up, my outdoor decorations might just stay cozy inside with me. 😊 How about you? Have you braved the cold to decorate outside yet?

With the holidays closing in, I thought it would be fun to share a snippet each week from my cozy holiday romance, Merry Little Wishing Sprints. It’s the perfect book to curl up with this holiday season!

Today's snippet:

Christmas music and the heavenly scent of cinnamon greeted me when I entered the corner grocery store, lifting my spirits some. I wove my way through the produce section, careful not to bump into the woman hand selecting brussels sprouts. A smile graced my face when I spotted the bright red endcap and the lone tin of homemade peppermint bark waiting to be snatched up.

I reached for it at the same time as a goateed man who couldn’t have been more than a few years older than me.

“I’m sorry.” I smiled sweetly, hoping to appeal to his sense of chivalry. “But I believe it’s the other way around.”

“Huh.” He wet his lips, hand still gripping the tin, smirking mischievously. “We obviously both want this tin. So what do we do?”

“I don’t know,” I said in an equally good-natured tone. ”Why do you need this particular treat?”

He shifted so his hip rested against the display and bent closer. “Well, you see,” he said, dramatically, “I have one last Christmas gift to buy, and Sara Winter’s peppermint bark is her favorite holiday treat. She’ll never forgive me if I come back from Mystic Creek without it. It might sever our relationship forever.”

He was ridiculously charming. That I had the thought at all amazed me. I wasn’t looking for a relationship and even if I were, I didn’t date mortals. Since I didn’t get any witchy-vibes—a magical shock when our fingers touched or a feeling we’d met before—it was a safe bet that this man with the clear hazel eyes and teasing smirk didn’t have a drop of magic in him.

“You don’t say,” I said, grinning.

“Oh yeah. We’re talking war on a biblical level.”

Merry Little Wishing Spritz
Author: Cherie Colyer
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Genres: Paranormal Romance

Book Blurb:

Modern-day witch Cassie Moore’s cozy life turns upside down when her friend foresees the wrecking ball that threatens to destroy Cassie’s home and workplace. But Cassie isn’t giving up without a fight. She casts a well-intended spell meant to save her apartment and her job. But magic is unpredictable, especially when her friend casts a little charm of her own that has Cassie lusting after the man she desperately wants to despise.

Jack Quinn has had his eyes on Lakeside Books for years, and he couldn’t be happier the owner is finally ready to sell. He has big plans for the cozy waterfront property, but he didn’t expect to care about the store or its employees. And he never imagined he’d be drawn to a certain brown-eyed saleswoman.

Almost as if by magic.

Grab your copy!